Lane Property Tax Advocates Celebrates 15 Years of Unburdening Businesses

October 17, 2024 |

A firm dedicated to helping property owners secure victories against unfair valuations is now celebrating a win of its own. Lane Property Tax Advocates is 15 years old.

Although established in early 2009, the Houston firm’s origins effectively date back 10 years prior. That’s when Founder and CEO Michael Lane launched his first business, MBLane & Associates, a commercial real estate appraisal company.

As MBLane laid down roots, gained clients and aided the industry, Lane sought to serve property owners in other capacities, too. With his background in banking and extensive real estate knowledge, property tax protest support seemed the next logical step.

“I really just intended to diversify some with a small backroom business, but things kind of blew up,” he said with a laugh. “As new business came in, we kept hiring. We had to. It was an adventure, but it was fun.”

Lane Property Tax Advocates guides commercial property owners through the detailed process of protesting overinflated valuations. Its experts handle everything from initial information gathering to market research required to build a case and representation through hearings and arbitration or litigation.

The company weathered challenges through the years, with everything from internal growing pains to changing regulations and helping clients navigate market shifts. Most recently, the firm has worked to educate clients about the impacts Texas’ changing property tax laws have.

“This stuff can be complicated, even for professionals,” Lane explained. “We want to make sure they know they have someone knowledgeable they can turn to with questions, someone with their best interests at heart.”

Michael Lane’s son, Vice President Hunter Lane, echoed his father’s sentiments and noted it’s more important than ever for property owners to fight for what’s fair. County appraisal districts’ (CADs) mass appraisal systems result in incorrect valuations more often than not, he said, and at a time when property owners are feeling the pinch from inflation.

“Fighting back can save a person thousands or more per property, and can be the difference between being able to keep a business going or shift approaches,” he explained. “Our team has a real passion for putting our knowledge to work in ways that help.”

Michael Lane credits his company’s success to perseverance paired with a positive attitude, and a willingness to change with the times.

Technological advances have led to efficiencies that help the firm gather evidence, stay organized and build stronger cases. At the same time, a dedication to putting people first has resulted in lasting relationships on both the team member and client side.

Watching his own son learn the industry and grow in his field has served as one of the best parts of the job.

“We’re dedicated to doing our best for every property and every person,” he said. “We build partnerships, we fight hard for our clients and we also have a lot of fun. We’ve created something pretty special here.”

Looking ahead, Michael Lane said he plans to continue moving the business forward in much the same way as he has since its start. The firm might expand into new states, as it has through the years, and could eventually relocate in Houston. For the most part, however, it will continue to monitor changes, incorporate new approaches where it makes sense and work alongside clients to unburden businesses.

“It’s hard to believe 15 years have gone by already. It’s been a whirlwind, but such a fun ride,” he said. “We want to continue building those relationships, being proactive in our work and serving as the trusted source people know they can turn to.”

Wondering How to Protest Property Taxes?

Working with a property tax consulting company like Lane ensures you have a partner to help.

Ready to Unburden Your Business?

Lane Property Tax Advocates has been helping commercial property tax owners across Texas reduce their tax burden for more than 15 years — and we can help you, too.
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