Lane’s Commercial property tax consultants keep you informed.

If you’re wanting to learn more about property taxes and the protest process, look no further than the Lane Property Tax Advocates blog! Stay tuned to this page for the latest insights and industry news on property tax protests from the Lane team, and to learn more about the work we do to unburden your business from excessive property taxes.

Five Things to Expect During a Commercial Property Tax Appeal

The commercial property tax appeal process can be a stressful undertaking for property owners. It’s the possibility of paying more than one’s fair amount. It’s the idea of introducing conflict into day-to-day business practices. It’s the sheer uncertainty regarding what the process entails. At Lane Property Tax Advocates, part of our promise to unburden your […]

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3 Reasons Your Commercial Property Tax Value Might Not Be Accurate

Anyone who owns a commercial building has experienced it: a property tax assessment arriving in the mail that simply can’t be right. You know what you paid for your property — and the amount of work you’ve put into it — but the numbers don’t add up. Inflated rates aren’t an indicator that the appraisal […]

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How to Prepare for a Commercial Property Tax Protest

The commercial property tax protest is something a property owner should tackle each year. It’s a safeguard against imperfect county appraisal district (CAD) systems. It’s a way to make sure your appraised values align with market trends. Most importantly, it’s an opportunity to save your business thousands of dollars over time. And going in prepared […]

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Four Ways Commercial Property Tax Advocates Save You Money

When it comes to property taxes, commercial property tax advocates are experts in making sure you have a fair assessment without an undue tax burden. At Lane Property Tax Advocates, we have decades of experience and industry relationships that we leverage to save property owners time and money at tax time. Here are four ways […]

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Why You Should Hire a Commercial Property Tax Protest Team

Have you received your commercial property tax bill? Unless the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic got in the way, local taxing units should have mailed bills to owners on October 1st. Do you believe you owe more than your fair share? Some people may not be aware that they can fight their high property taxes […]

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The Role of an Appraisal Review Board in the Protest Process

There are several steps between receiving a property tax valuation notice that indicates your commercial property taxes have increased and reducing your tax bill – among them is presenting your property tax protest evidence to your county’s Appraisal Review Board (ARB). This formal hearing is a key aspect of the process of lowering your excessive […]

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